HALLELUJAH! 99'S been calling me "little trailer" and I have just been waiting on nuts and screws for her to figure out my name. Now she told me that with you "trailer naming people", it has to come to you. It either does right away cause you just feel it instantly...or...you gotta feel it and then it comes. I just happened to be the latter. My name is Halleluyah. But 99 says my friends can call me Loo Loo the LoFlyte for short and Loo Loo for shorter. 99 gives everyone a nickname. Nicknames are cool and they make a person feel special.
I just have to tell you I feel special tonight! Here is what has been happening....
The rain let up and we actually had a bit of sunshine here in upstate New York. 99 set to sealing me up so I can say I have been cured of leakatosis. My J-rails were scraped, cleaned and sealed as were most of my windows. The back one is going to take some work getting all the old goop off. The lights were also cleaned and sealed around their edges.We were fighting mother nature and she is pretty tricky, so we accomplished what we could before the rains set in again. Water and gravity are partners. The water might originate from somewhere but will always flow to the lowest point. So you kind of have to search for it's origin which may not be right where the leak is. 99 decided to just go ahead and seal every possible place. She got on the roof and sealed the seams. It's amazing! I have a pretty nice roof! Smooth, fairly clean (NO TAR), no holes or tears where a branch may have decided to rest or any glaring dents. Apparently this is something to smile about. I think 99's smile stretched around her face twice!
I just have to tell you I feel special tonight! Here is what has been happening....
The rain let up and we actually had a bit of sunshine here in upstate New York. 99 set to sealing me up so I can say I have been cured of leakatosis. My J-rails were scraped, cleaned and sealed as were most of my windows. The back one is going to take some work getting all the old goop off. The lights were also cleaned and sealed around their edges.We were fighting mother nature and she is pretty tricky, so we accomplished what we could before the rains set in again. Water and gravity are partners. The water might originate from somewhere but will always flow to the lowest point. So you kind of have to search for it's origin which may not be right where the leak is. 99 decided to just go ahead and seal every possible place. She got on the roof and sealed the seams. It's amazing! I have a pretty nice roof! Smooth, fairly clean (NO TAR), no holes or tears where a branch may have decided to rest or any glaring dents. Apparently this is something to smile about. I think 99's smile stretched around her face twice!
Besides the windows and j-rails the area around my fridge vent was cleaned up and some sealant put in place. Not sure what will be done here, if anything, but this was enough to prevent water from entering at the cracks and the important thing now is that I do not leak! Putting a tarp on day in and day out is maddening. Least that is what 99 says. There were lots of bees nests in there that had to be cleaned out too. Unfortunately we did not find any honey!
Look closely at this next picture. This area had to be sealed before the rain. It had been done by previous owners but that was quite a while ago. I am in pretty good shape for my age and seem to have been well maintained.. The funny, or maybe not so funny thing, is whoever sealed it went right over some screws just lying there. So the screws are sealed into the roof. There are two of them. Can you spot 'em? The bigger question is...Can you believe it?!
99 chuckled over this one. You never know what you will find on a vintage trailer!
99 chuckled over this one. You never know what you will find on a vintage trailer!
I am taking it mean to that I have absolutely No Loose Screws!
My eyebrow over my front window was removed. Lots of old butyl and sealant there! It was scraped and cleaned. Fresh butyl applied and put back on with new stainless screws. The window was sealed also. Say goodbye to that possible area of leakage! (Fingers crossed!).
Just look at all that old goop!
The eyebrow was loaded with goop too!
Finally, we got me sealed up pretty well. We will find out how well with the next rain which will be here tomorrow. Next we moved inside and on to my walls. All the old nails were pulled and insulation was cut and fitted for the street side. Then came the cutting of the wall boards. What a pain! 99 would rather do a frame up any day. It is just so hard to fit when it is all closed up. The top had to go behind the aluminum molding at the ceiling. The windows have to be cut precisely since they were not removed. Of course they did not fit exact and 99 trimmed them with her trusty multi-purpose tool while holding up the board . It is much easier to put up the wall board and cut out the windows later, but mine weren't coming out, so we did it this way. What a nightmare! The major parts are up on the street side. Still needs trim work, but the hardest part is done. We hope!
Today was also a day of surprise visitors in the late evening. It was a nice change because it is usually just the two of us. I was introduced and very well liked which made me happy! First, Ironman stopped by! He just had rotator cup surgery mixed with double pneumonia so he has been missed. He came in his pajama pants! I am thinking this is a come as you are kind of place! He brought dinner with him for 99 to eat later and a prime rib bone for Ghandi, the dog. They were in their glory! He also took away my Shasta emblem and my wings. He said he might have time to try to spruce them up a bit. This is a huge blessing for us since we don't have a lot of time with everything that needs done. Here is what they look like now. Emblem is kind of pitted, but any improvement will be a good thing! Can't wait to get them back!
After Ironman left, Doctor Blaine stopped for a little bit. He had on his work clothes! He brought with him a bag of Scooby Snacks for her to share with her little grandson when he visits again. It's good to have friends!
Don't tell anyone, but 99 has a fear of testing propane. She always pictures something like this happening...
With her kind of luck...it could! Only it would not be followed by laughter. So 99 roped the Doctor into testing it for her. That had kind of become one of his specialties with her trailers. He didn't mind. He gets into that kind of stuff. Guess what....it worked! Both the burners and the oven! Hallelujah!!
Once the doctor got started he just had to test the fridge. He is like that! That's why he is the doctor! The burner lit and then the button has to be held down for a bit. When the button was released the flame went out. The doctor said it might have to be blown out. This is something that will be saved for another day.
Next the neighbor she calls "Sunday" stopped over. He had on his Buffalo Bills slippers.They chatted while 99 continued to work on my curbside wall removing the old wood and putting in new insulation. What a busy day it was and so much got done! It was a day filled with wonderful surprises. 99 keeps saying I have really good karma. Of course, I already knew that!
99 has decided that she is going to get me roadworthy and campable again. She may not go all out with me because she needs to spend some time and money on my brother the Nomad. He is in a sad state but she is excited about bringing him back to his old glory. She is going to make me worthy of someone else's love and send me down the road to new adventures with a new family! I can't wait for that day. For now, her and I will keep on plugging away on making improvements to me so that someone will come along and just HAVE to have me for their own. Right now we are just small fish in a pond over here, but there is an old saying...Big shots are only little shots who keep on shooting. So keep on shooting for the stars and someday, someway, with a little help from your friends, a little luck and a lot of hard work, all your dreams will eventually come true. Never stop shooting!
So there you have it! All my updates. There will be more to share after this day is done so please stop back to see how I am doing. I like visitors!
Next the neighbor she calls "Sunday" stopped over. He had on his Buffalo Bills slippers.They chatted while 99 continued to work on my curbside wall removing the old wood and putting in new insulation. What a busy day it was and so much got done! It was a day filled with wonderful surprises. 99 keeps saying I have really good karma. Of course, I already knew that!
99 has decided that she is going to get me roadworthy and campable again. She may not go all out with me because she needs to spend some time and money on my brother the Nomad. He is in a sad state but she is excited about bringing him back to his old glory. She is going to make me worthy of someone else's love and send me down the road to new adventures with a new family! I can't wait for that day. For now, her and I will keep on plugging away on making improvements to me so that someone will come along and just HAVE to have me for their own. Right now we are just small fish in a pond over here, but there is an old saying...Big shots are only little shots who keep on shooting. So keep on shooting for the stars and someday, someway, with a little help from your friends, a little luck and a lot of hard work, all your dreams will eventually come true. Never stop shooting!
So there you have it! All my updates. There will be more to share after this day is done so please stop back to see how I am doing. I like visitors!
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